Leading global marketing research services provider Civicom emphasizes the value of its secure CyberFacility® in-depth interview and focus group solution to protect the integrity of online research as the insights industry shifts to using remote tools.
Market research and mock jury trials are just two of the sectors forced by the current health crisis to take a drastic change of approach in conducting activities, leading many insights professionals to use online conferencing tools to conduct qualitative interviews and focus groups. However, a popular conferencing service has recently been under scrutiny due to security vulnerabilities and privacy concerns that allegedly compromise its users’ data.
On-site research in facility locations has become next to impossible in the current environment. Many market researchers find themselves making unprecedented adjustments to their research process. Ensuring security and confidentiality has become more important than ever.
Civicom’s CyberFacility in-depth interview and focus group solution delivers a proprietary global audio conferencing platform combined with a private cloud web room to protect the security of client data.
Civicom has a strong industry presence in market research facilitation through its secure CyberFacility solution for conducting telephone and web-enabled market research in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus groups. Using CyberFacility, clients experience a proprietary global audio conferencing platform designed and maintained exclusively for serving Civicom clients and customers, along with a managed private cloud web room that ensures secure storage and encryption of client data.

Civicom also offers data anonymization and management services that can be coupled with the CyberFacility IDI and Focus Group solution including audio masking, face blurring, and real-time respondent management to protect Personally Identifiable Information and healthcare data involved in interviews and focus groups.
In addition, Civicom is compliant with security and data privacy regulations domestically and abroad. Civicom is an approved and validated participant in the EU-US Privacy Shield and is compliant with HIPAA, CCPA, PIPEDA, and GDPR, and has implemented a comprehensive information security policy. Civicom subscribes to a strict culture of confidentiality and remains vigilant in keeping its security standards up-to-date through continuous review and audit of internal processes and controls, with the aid of external consultants and data protection and compliance officers dedicated to safeguarding data.
About Civicom Marketing Research Services
Civicom Marketing Research Services offers many options to enhance the research process for marketing research professionals. Civicom is the global leader in facilitating telephone and web-enabled in-depth interviews and focus groups using Civicom CyberFacility®. Civicom also offers Civicom Chatterbox®, an asynchronous research platform for online communities and bulletin boards, plus the Civicom ThoughtLight® Mobile Insights App, a mobile qualitative tool for collecting richer in-the-moment insights, useful for shopper insights, audio diaries and patient journeys.
Civicom operates in over 96 countries and offers extensive translation services for marketing researchers, as well as transcription services through TranscriptionWing™, and market research respondent recruiting through CiviSelect™. All of these services are available in Spanish, as well as English, and multiple other languages.
Civicom Marketing Research Services and Schlesinger Group are partners in a Strategic Alliance to mutually serve the needs of clients needing web-enabled IDIs and focus groups combined with high quality recruiting services.