Report Generating Tool

Quillit ai® is a report generating tool developed by Civicom for qualitative marketing researchers. Our 20 years of global experience facilitating over a million IDIs and focus groups enables us to bring you Quillit.

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Core Service Benefits

CiviCom Key Elements

Core Service Benefits are the essential advantages that come with our service, making it stand out and meet your needs.

Experts & Reliable Support

We believe that providing expert and reliable support is a cornerstone of our commitment to your project success. Our team of experts is made up of highly qualified professionals who have extensive experience in their respective fields.

Customized Service Features

We are committed to providing our clients with unmatched service benefits. Our services offer a range of unique advantages that set us apart from the competition, including personalized attention, expert support, and innovative solutions. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your project success.

High-Level Security Measures

We take security seriously. Our high-level protections include advanced technologies and strict protocols to safeguard your data and protect against threats. Trust us to keep your information secure.

Discover The Benefits OfQuillit ai®

Cut The Time To Produce Your Report By 80%

Quillit can generate first drafts in minutes that would take you hours.

Answer Specific Questions

Give Quillit a question to answer from one or multiple recordings. Quillit can provide summaries for all the questions in your discussion guide.

Choose Summary Length

Get a brief overview or a detailed analysis. Tailor the length of text that Quillit provides to you.

Tailor Content To Your Audience

Target responses to the reading level of your audience. Save time revising and editing text.

Get Customized Formatting

We can format your Quillit responses into a document. Personalize your reports to be consistent with your brand.

GDPR, SOC2, And HIPAA Compliant

Quillit uses only your content to generate responses to your queries. Your content is securely compartmentalized to your specific project.

Generate Responses Instantly

Let Quillit serve as your research project assistant by providing you with the key concepts for your report writing.

Civicom Account?
Just Sign In

Just sign into your account in our Glide Portal and start using Quillit.
We’ll guide you.

Use Content From
Any Project

Don’t have an account? We’ll quickly get you set up to load your recordings and start using Quillit.

Video, Audio or Transcriptions

Quillit can process content in all qualitative research deliverable formats video, audio, and transcriptions.

Start With An Outline

Ask Quillit to build a framework for your client report using your theme, or ask Quillit to identify one.

Generate Quotes
& Call Outs

Make your report more interesting and valuable by asking Quillit to extract key points for Headings and Sub-Heads.

Concerned About ‘Data In = Data Out’?

Our human transcription editors can clean up machine transcriptions before you use Quillit to make sure the text matches your recordings.

Consistent Project Support

Our dedicated account managers and tech team are here to make sure you get the most from the QuillitAI tool.

Ready to Get Started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your time is valuable. Cut your report writing time by 80% or more. Generate first draft reports in minutes with Quillit.

Quillit makes it possible for you to get right to the analysis portion of your research project instead of spending hours and hours wading through text or listening to recordings. It also eliminates potential misinterpretation of data, should you typically have your content first summarized by a third party before you write your report.

Quillit will absolutely not replace you. As the researcher, you are needed to provide context to the findings in a research study. Quillit's role is to be your research assistant.

Civicom is well-known for its hands-on client support and customer service. We offer full-time, live, in-the-moment support from a real human, trained technician team whose goal is that your project success is our number one priority. We will get you set up on using Quillit, make sure you know how to use it, answer your questions, and importantly, collect your feedback on your experience so that we can continuously serve you well.

The responses you generate to the questions and queries you give Quillit come only from the content generated from your research study.

Quillit does not combine your content with content from any other research projects, even other projects of your own. Each project is compartmentalized to use content only from the specific study you are using Quillit for at the time.

Yes. Quillit works with both IDI (in-depth interview) and Focus Group studies.

No. Quillit does not integrate with ChatGPT.

During Beta, your summaries will be emailed to you. At launch, you'll be able to view your summaries within the Quillit interface.

Yes. You can edit each summary, combine summaries, cut and paste text, and perform whatever modifications you want to apply to the Quillit responses to your queries.

Yes. Our team of expert transcription editors can take the output from your Quillit queries and organize them into one or more Word documents for your review. We suggest your first question to Quillit be to request it generate an outline, as this will be helpful for our editing team.

Yes, we can format your documents according to your preferred look and feel, and apply your branding.

Yes, the model we use has been trained on diverse language datasets, making it proficient in multiple languages and suitable for cross-lingual applications. It currently supports several widespread languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin, and German among others, with more to come.

Yes. We have designed Quillit to work effectively with content from any source. Contact us and we'll set up an account for you to use Quillit with your content from other sources.

Yes, Quillit is flexible on the input. Use it on transcripts, audio, and video.

Yes, Our team of expert transcription editors performs this service. They will listen to your recordings and edit any content that does not match. We will show you how to upload your recordings to our Glide platform, and how to request the clean-up service.

There are no restrictions, but note that since Quillit uses only the content from your source documents to generate replies, you will want to ask it questions related to that content.

Yes. Think of your latest trip to a fast food drive-through that uses AI to take your order and process it. If you ask it a question unrelated to the menu, it can't process the reply with external content because it is trained on the menu only. As Quillit uses only your content, it won't be helpful to you to ask it unrelated questions.

In addition to providing you with text summaries, we can also input your data into an Excel format or PowerPoint. Just let us know of your need for these services.

There is no limit on the number of questions you can ask Quillit. But it will save you time if you have an idea of the questions you want to ask, using such tools as your discussion guide. However, you can freely supplement questions as the need for further inquiries becomes apparent.

Quillit currently works best with in-depth interviews (IDIs), Focus Groups, or conversations from online communities.

Quillit will expand to offer broader capabilities. We are exploring client-requested options such as segmentation, graphics, video, qualitative analysis and quant survey capabilities. As a Quillit user, your input is important to us in prioritizing the development of features, so let us know what is important to you.

Variations in length and detail are something that happens with generative AI models such as Quillit. Generative AI models are powerful statistical models that deliver an element of randomness to their output, and as a result, it is really not possible to ensure results are exactly the same if you re-run the same query on the same transcript, video, or audio file multiple times. Quillit accommodates for this by enabling users to run the same query on the same content up to three times. Users can then choose the version they deem to be the best or combine versions when using the output in a report.

Accordion content goes here.
Accordion content goes here.
Accordion content goes here.
IDIs & Focus Groups
Mobile Insights App
Video Curation Tools
Online Community Platform
DIY Research
Transcriptions & Translations
Usability Testing App
Dedicated Project Management Team
Reputable Technical Proficiency
International Expertise
Success Focused Process
Robust Methodology
Logistical Heavy Lifting
Online IDIs and focus groups featuring integrated proprietary audio conferencing and web rooms hosted in our secure private cloud.
Search and Tag
Time Markers
Create Clips
Customize Storyboards
Team Collaboration
Share Securely
Organize and edit media files and transcriptions to locate and analyze key findings. Grant per-project permissions to users. Works seamlessly with CyberFacility & CCam.
Audio Clip Linking
Scalable Pricing
Video Captioning
Flexible Turnaround
Integrated seamlessly with CyberFacility and CCam. Choose a customizable text format or delivery in Excel for text analytics.
The Right Recruits
Ready Respondents
Local to Global
Industry Diversity
Project Management
Technical Expertise
Our knowledge of what makes a successful market research respondent in a web-enabled study is applied to our technical analysis of your screener.
Robust & Engaging
Multi-Language Capable
Flexible Timeframes
Asynchronous &
Quality Support
Respondent Segmentation
Our powerful yet user-friendly capabilities which include features like gamification, analytics, and reporting tools, can make a huge impact on the success of your research.
Accurate User Feedback
User Behavior Insights
Efficient Testing Process
Multi-Platform Testing
Detailed Analytics Data
Cost-Effective Solution
With the ubiquity of mobile devices, it has never been more important to understand how your website performs on mobile devices or whether your mobile apps are working well.
Easy to Use App
Offline Capability
Audio, Video & Text
Powerful Admin Tools
Geo Location & Fencing
Easy Data Download
Perfect for asynchronous research involving audio diaries, patient journeys, and respondent shopper studies.
Webcams & Stimuli
Create Clips & Storyboards
Transcripts On Demand
Fast Media Deliverables
Backroom Chat
User-Friendly Tools
Ideal for independent researchers, MyQual provides the toolset necessary for you to execute a complete qualitative research experience on your own.

Achieving project success starts here.
Experience it with us!

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